Monday, April 6, 2015

D Day

Well pals and palettes.

I think this might be my last email for a couple of months. I am going to go to the doctor and see if there is anything I can do to last but my dad gave me a good example. 
Running a bad shoulder in the mission is like running a dirt bike with bad wheel bearing is it. One day its just going to fall apart and your just going to fall over and be broken in a lot more ways than you want to be. 
Also in the book of Mormon it takes about putting down your weapons of war. I am fighting a war with my self. When things like that usually happens its just pointless and can be resolved really easy if one side is willing to give in and make the right choice. look at the civil war for example. 

It makes me sick but I have to do this which is really sad. I am thankful for each one of you. You are the ones who kept me out here. I want to give a huge shout out to all my missionary friends too. You guys a rad keep going at it. 
I will be returning if I do have to come home. I don´t want to do this but I need to. It hurts really bad right now. so thats not to good. 
But remeber 
Weak things can be made strong.
We all are faced with choices. Some are hard to make others are easy. But always remember that you won´t regret the right choice. 

Well as promised 
La foto del semana 

1 comment:

  1. Lance,
    so sorry about your arm/shoulder. Worse things could happen, though. FYI, you are always in my prayers and I keep your name on the temple prayer roll, so this is probably a test - a little piece of adversity. And is probably just phase 1. ETTE, nephew!
